July 14, 2011

Satelit 4 dan 7

Assalamualikum, Alhamdulillah telah berakhir satu minggu di satelit 7, sedikit sebanyak telah belajar apa fungsi di 2 station tersebut. Yang paling penting di sini adalah SCREENING, kene betul2 check, kalu tersalah medicines, pharmacist akan disalahkan. so EXTRA careful should be emphasized here!! insyaAllah, moga aku jadi pharmacist yang 'good quality' nanti. Please give me 3 years to know more about pharmacy world, i will learn slowly, slow+ fast and steady insyaAllah.

I can't wait for next year. i got other ideas, hope it will work insyaAllah. What are you waiting for bro? Graduating from itb successfully insyaAllah. Time will fly, i will walk, final destination will be there waiting for me. Fast or slow, it will come to me.

Next week 20-25 gonna attend badminton tournament at shah alam insyaAllah, then last skali akan masuk ward round, the one yang aku tunggu-tunggu coz inilah tempat yang betul2 klinikal skill kat hospital!! hope can learn something later on insyaAllah..

That's all. I feel so sleepy right now. Come come, we sleep, to refresh our enery.

*Moga amalan kita bertambah setiap hari, hati biar rase TERBUKA menerima nasihat orang lain, jangan 'angin-angin' sangat, jangan sombong2, dengar NASIHAT ORANG TUA, dan paling handle ur money, financial planning is so so so important!!



  1. Leh jadi tempat rujukan ubat utk anak2 alg nnt :)

  2. haha, insyaAllah, belajar xtahu ape2 pun.da g praktikal baru tahu sket2..
    moral of the story: kene g praktikal..huhu

  3. 'nxt year, i got other idea', germany right?? haha..hope it will work..
    oh,nxt week, badminton, all d best! kasik juara sekali :)

  4. cik alia: nope,itu tak penting. paling penting ada satu bende insyaAllah..


  5. aik, dahtu,ape die? umrah? kena kabo.. si penyibuk ni nak tau jugak..
    yep, kamu boleh. :D,oh ye,27hb kekgi jd x?

  6. kabo mulla la..dok tahu jd ke x lg..

    ermm xsure lg,mcm x..abang macam busy je..die ada UNIMAP perlis lg..
