October 21, 2011

Penuhi permintaan orang, maka kamu akan bahagia

Hurmm, nov is quite a busy month for me. Tournament badminton, proposal thesis (have to read a lot) etc but there is rematch for double badminton Bandung Games 2011! it is not near but so far d place of selection! hurmm, it's ok. Sincere in whatever u do! u help others, others will help u.


  1. hak3, mula2 tgk serabut, bile da nmpka step die dan dpt supervisor pun yg main bdmton,senang sket nk massuk.huhu..
    Alhamdulillah r.. so far ok =)

  2. ooo.. haha. nok yg badminton gk ea?..
    oo, bagus2. all d best :D

  3. sengih sokmo die,smpaikan sy cari topic nk wat researh tibe2 die cadangkan..b4 dis ada dak2 yg da lulus minta tajuk dgn die,die ckp cari sndiri..huhu..tournament (itb closed) next week pun die join..huhu
