May 26, 2012


Some people said posting something 'Good','ilmiah','etc' is just like stupid person.Coz u didnt do it but just posting something that looks 'good'. Ingatkah ayat ini? (Dari Abdullah bin Amr radhiyallahu ta’ala ‘anhu, bahwa Nabi shallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,“Sampaikanlah dariku walau hanya satu ayat” (HR. Bukhari). Dari artikel Sampaikan Ilmu Dariku Walau Satu Ayat — Muslim.Or.Id by null.

For me personally, just go on and keep posting and sharing good things on fb. So that other people who dun know, will know it. U r not perfect but u can try ur best to do good things. Setiap amalan even kecik dan tidak menyenangkan di mata manusia adalah besar di sisi Allah. You must remember that every person is different and u have an authority to talk whatever u want. If u dun agree with people opinion, dun u think other people also dun agree with your opinion? Sometimes, i didn't agree with people opinion but just relax and steady and i also knew that not all people agree with my opinion. So, to be relax and steady. Just be cool. Dun be so naive.

 People is unique. They always think that they are good and blame others. Its happen right? So sad because whatever party politic u r in. I dun care. Dun be fanatic and just be relax and cool and moderate. Our Nabi like did everything so moderately. So why we dun we follow Sunnah? Muslim in this world or in Malaysia majority that are Islam were normally malay. But, malay having habit like we all knows already. Why dun we unite together and develop this country together? 

Dun act like u r kind and others people are wrong. Why not the kind one help the unkind one and the correct one help the wrong one. Settle! Put aside ur egoism and lets us move together forward.


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